Jornal SBC 144 · Julho · 2014
English Corner
Interventional catheterization
of congenital heart disease
began in 1953 when the
Alvarez in Mexico treated
a pulmonary stenosis by
developing a special stainless
steel cutting system introduced
through the median basilic
vein. In 1966, Rashkind
devised a balloon catheter to
rupture the inter-atrial septum
in a baby with transposition
of the great arteries. In
1967, Porstmann introduced the patent ductus
arteriosus (PDA) closure technique when he
invented the Ivalon plugs modeled according
to the PDA morphology. King and Mills, in
1974, devised a prosthetic double disc-shaped
umbrella and a structure with six stainless-steel
rods for the occlusion of atrial septal defect
(ASD). In 1983, Reshkind introduced an
umbrella with six rods and brackets to occlude
ASD. Reshkind in 1987, developed a new
umbrella with a double disc for PDA occlusion.
In 1982, Jean Kan dilated pulmonary stenosis
with a balloon catheter; the method was quickly
extended to dilation of the aortic stenosis,
coarctation of the aorta and all stenotic structures
in arterial or venous circulations, including
pulmonary arteries. The 1990s were very
fruitful, as technological advancement allowed
Ricky Silveira Mello
Professor de inglês
especializado em
the manufacturing of prosthesis for septal defect
occlusion and stents to be used in stenotic
lesions. The 2000s technological advancement
was even greater; the prosthesis used in septal
defect occlusion underwent safe and evolved
modifications. X-Ray companies created the
hybrid rooms. Nowadays, hemodynamicists
and surgeons work together, side by side, hand
in hand, for the benefit of the patient. Fetal
intervention is the most extraordinary and recent
advance, allowing the dilation of pulmonary
stenosis, aortic stenosis and dilation of restrictive
foramen ovale. Heart surgery has given way to
interventional hemodynamics, a fact predicted
in 1967 by Taussig, the mother of pediatric
Ricky asksDr. Fontes:
As you are a pioneer of congenital heart disease in Brazil,
please, tell us something about it.
Valmir Fernandes Fonte
Head of the Congenital Heart Disease Hemodynamics Section of Instituto
Dante Pazzanese
Head of the Congenital Heart Disease Hemodynamics Section of HCor
Foto: Arquivo Pessoal/ Val
mir Fernandes Fonte
um repertório vastíssimo de sugestões e soluções
para a nossa cardiologia. Aos contemporâneos e
aos pósteros, Dr. Gilson Feitosa deixa um legado
importante, que será mantido por seus filhos
que já participam ativamente na cardiologia de
nosso país. A esse paradigma da cardiologia,
que cultiva a simplicidade dos gênios, nossa