Jornal SBC 142 · Maio · 2014
English Corner
Ricky asksRicardoStein:
The department of exercise testing and cardiovascular
rehabilitation members are active participants in an
international level. How does it come to be?
In fact, as in many other
departmentsof theSBC, several
DERC members have been
participating in international
congresses along the years,
as well as foreign colleagues
participate in our events. Thus,
keeping up with tradition, just
before the FIFA World Cup
2014, in the beginning of
June, prominent physicians
of the sports cardiology field,
such as Aaron Baggish (Harvard), Jonathan
Myers (Stanford), and Lorenzo Monserrat Iglesias
(Universidad de La Corunã), will be at Costão do
Santinho for the “SPORTS AND CARDIOLOGY”
meeting. Likewise, Paul Thompson will be with
us during DERC Symposium at the 69 BSC
Congress in Brasilia.
Ricardo Stein
é vice-presidente da Cardiologia do
Esporte do DERC/SBC; editor-associado dos Arquivos
Brasileiros de Cardiologia na área do Exercício; pós-
doutor em Cardiologia do Exercício e do Esporte pela
Stanford University; professor adjunto de Cardiologia
do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre/UFRGS.
Rick Silveira Mello
Professor de inglês
especializado em
Ricardo Stein
Foto: Arquivo Pessoal/Ricardo Stein